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1991: Budokan Karate Dojo is born

After leaving a commercial dojo because of ethical differences Sensei Ken Trebilcock founds Budokan Karate dojo at his country residence in Brantford, Ontario. As Sensei Trebilcock was the senior many of the senior students from that commercial dojo followed asking to train at Budokan Karate. Some are still training at BKD.

1992: Wandering on the path

After checking out other regional organizations Sensei Trebilcock hears about and investigates Meibukan Goju. Liking what he sees he starts learning the forms and teaching these forms. Plans trip to Okinawa to meet the Master himself.

1993: First Trip to Okinawa

August 1993, training at the Hombu dojo with the Yagi family Sensei Trebilcock is awe struck by the whole experience. Sensei is rooted in Meibukan and the teaching of Dai Sensei Meitoku Yagi and his eldest son Master Meitatsu Yagi.

1995: Second three week trip to Okinawa

Having the honour of training with Dai Sensei Meitoku Yagi on a daily basis and somedays twice. Dai Sensei had Sensei follow the Kururunfa in each class and in the final week began making corrections and adjustments.

1996: Third three week trip to Okinawa

Again being lucky enough to be trained and corrected by Dai Sensei Meitoku Yagi. Dai Sensei had Sensei follow Super rinpe in all the classes and again in the final week began making corrections and adjustments.

1997: Budokan Karate Dojo gets an addition

Sensei Trebilcock builds an addition, which adds about 45% more floor space to the dojo and adds natural light with several windows.

1998: Budokan Karate Dojo gets a web page.

Sensei Trebilcock requests a web page be made for BKD and web master Trevor Berry obliges.

1999: Fourth trip to owkinawa

Fourth trip to Okinawa to celebrate and participate in demonstrations for Dai Sensei Meitoku Yagi's 88th Birthday Celebrations. Budokan Karate Dojo joins IMGKA. BKD is certified by IMGKA to teach Meibukan Gojyu-ryu and all black belts get membership cards.

2000: Fifth trip to owkinawa

For the 5th time Sensei Trebilcock visits Okinawa and trains at the Hombu dojo with Master Meitatsu Yagi. He was also able to spend some time with Grand Master Meitoku Yagi in his apartment and was presented with another scrool. Dai Sensei also demonstrated his talents on the piano much to Sensei's amazement. The 'Makiwara Breaker' also plays music that well! Wow!

2001: Sensei Ken promoted to General Secretary IMGKA

In August, Sensei Ken Trebilcock accepts position of General Secretary of IMGKA as requested by Master Meitatsu Yagi. Sensei Trebilcock was honoured to accompany/assist Master Meitatsu Yagi to the World Karate Tounament in Atlanta, Georgia. Master Yagi was gracious enough to introduce Sensei Trebilcock to many of the older Okinawan Karate Masters in attendance. What an honour! Master Meitatsu Yagi finally agrees to do a video for the Meibukan family world wide. Winter training in Okinawa with Master Meitatsu Yagi as well as visits with Grand Master Meitoku Yagi. Master Meitatsu Yagi and Sensei Trebilcock began working on translations for the narration of the videos for IMGKA.

2002: BKD closes web page.

In December Budokan Karate Dojo gives up BKD web page for new IMGKA web page developed and designed by web master Trevor Berry. Fall training in Okinawa with Master Meitatsu Yagi with visits to Grand Master Meitoku Yagi. While visiting and through the course of the year work continued on translations and narration for the IMGKA videos. In November Dai Sensei Meitoku Yagi does a Masters demonstration at the Budokan in Okinawa. He performs Sei enchin.

2003: Grand Master Meitoku Yagi passes away

Very sad time for everyone on February 7th 2003 Grand Master Meitoku Yagi passed away at 92 years of age.
In the spring, Master Meitatsu Yagi returned to Brantford to film kata for his pending DVD series for IMGKA. Sensei Akihiro Yagi and Master Yagi did all the filming needed in about 1 week. Throughout the rest of the visit Master Yagi, Sensei Akihiro Yagi, and Ken Trebilcock did most of the rough editing on the film. Master Meitatsu Yagi also provided seminars while visiting.

2004: Master Meitatsu Yagi comes to Canada

Master Meitatsu Yagi visited in the spring to conduct seminars and do some of the final editing of his DVD. In May Sensei Trebilcock was pleased to accompany/assist Master Yagi with seminars in Turin, Italy. In August 2004 Sensei Trebilcock visited Okinawa for the Grand Opening of the Okinawa Traditional Karate and Kobudo International Training Center. Sensei Trebilcock was part of the demonstration held at Opening Ceremony. While visiting Sensei Trebilcock started to help Master Yagi write his book which needed a huge amount of translating and compiling of information.

2005: BKD gets a new home

Sensei Trebilcock purchases building to house a larger dojo. After 3 months of renovating and a karate members painting party the Grand Opening for the new dojo was on May 1st 2005 at 69 Colborne St. W. in Brantford. Later that same month Master Yagi was here conducting seminars with people from USA, Czech Rep, and all over Canada. Sensei Trebilcock again travelled to Okinawa and was tested and promoted to 6th Dan, rokudan by Master Yagi. The IMGKA DVD series on Meibukan Gojyu-Ryu was released in the fall.

2006: Master Meitatsu Yagi visits twice

Budokan Karate Dojo is again honoured with two visits, spring and fall, from Master Meitatsu Yagi. Master Yagi on both occasions conducted week end seminars for IMGKA world wide. March 21 2006 Sensei Trebilcock attended the 3rd Anniversary of the Passing of Grand Master Meitoku Yagi in Okinawa doing a demonstration at the National Theater in Okinawa with Mary M., Grant M. and Rachel Z from Budokan Dojo. Many other IMGKA members world wide attended this celebration/demonstration. Sensei Ken Trebilcock received an Appreciation Certificate from Master Meitatsu Yagi and IMGKA and a new personalized Shureido gi from Master Yagi.

2007: Sensei Akithito Yagi's is shown in Montreal, QC

Sensei Akihito Yagi's movie, Kuro-Obi is being shown at the Montreal International Film Festival in August. Sensei Trebilcock attended with Mary Marjanovic from our dojo. We did a karate demonstration before the movie's premier. Master Meitatsu Yagi attended from Okinawa and then flew into Toronto on his way to Brantford. This facilitated some extra time doing the final editing of Spiritual Karate. During this year's IMGKA weekend visit Master Meitatsu Yagi granted the title of Renshi to Sensei Ken Trebilcock.

2008: Master Meitatsu Yagi's book is published

Master Meitatsu Yagi's book, Spiritual Karate, was finished publishing and being shipped out in January.
In August Sensei Trebilcock began renovating the second floor of the dojo, the job was bigger than he expected and would take much longer!
In the fall, Budokan Karate Dojo had the honour of hosting and running seminars with Sensei Akihito Yagi from Okinawa. He is the eldest son of Master Meitatsu Yagi and President of IMGKA.

2009: Master Yagi and Sensei Yagi come to Canada

Both Master Yagi and Sensei Akihito Yagi visited in the spring and again conducted weekend seminars and dojo seminars for anyone interested in IMGKA and Meibukan Gojyu-Ryu. Sensei Trebilcock moved above the dojo in April. After spending a year travelling in Canada and teaching seminars Renshi Akihito Yagi returns home to Okinawa in October.

2010: BKD starts running Kids Kamps

It was a busy year for the dojo with the introduction of Kids Kamps on PA days, summer camps, bring a friend days, training in the park, and demonstrations. The dojo continues to grow with a lot of great people coming into the dojo family. We introduced Women's Self Defense and Tai Chi classes in the fall as well. The year was highlighted by Sensei Akihito Yagi, President of IMGKA, visiting the area from Okinawa and doing a week end of seminars here for area Meibukan enthusiasts. Master Meitatsu Yagi, Chairman of IMGKA also visited and did several seminars in the area as well as at our dojo. It was a busy but great year!

2011: Master Yagi and Renshi Akihiro Yagi come to Canada

Another busy year for the dojo with PA days, bring a friend days, a training evening with the local girl guide troop, and a fun afternoon at the Shellard Lane Neighbourhood Associations Summer BBQ. The dojo is still growing with some wonderful new members and a number of families joining! We ran our women's self defense and tai chi classes throughout the year. In June we were spoiled with having Master Meitatsu Yagi visit with his son Renshi Akihiro Yagi treating us to seminars in the dojo and the park. In the fall we were again honoured with Kyoshi Akihito Yagi visiting the dojo and doing seminars. Not many dojos can boast this amount of attention from the teachers of the Hombu dojo from Naha, Okinawa, Japan! It has been another great year!