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Since my son and I started training at Budokan we now have a idea of what real karate is. At our old dojo in brantford the sensie could not even remember our names even after two years and had to write it on my son's uniform. Since we started here at budokan my son and I both feel like we are treated like family. The lineage to true traditional Okinawan Karate is the closest I have found in the city and surrounding area. I highly recommend this dojo if you have young kids as there are lots of kids classes as well, the adult classes are very welcoming.
Mark & William L.

It is hard to express in words exactly what Budokan Karate has done for our son Joey – over the past 8 months we have come to see our pre-teen feeling good about new accomplishments, feeling worthy of his achievements, and always looking forward to working with Renshi Ken Trebilcock and his entire group of leaders and participants. Thank you all for making such a glowing impression!
Sybil & Steve

A family friend brought me into the Budokan Karate self defense class shortly after I had been the victim of domestic violence. Right from the beginning I felt personally welcomed and appreciated. The environment was fun, but dedicated to teaching skills that could be used in a real life situation. I really felt through the sessions that Sensei genuinely cared about my personal ability to protect myself. Eventually, I became integrated into a couple of actual karate lessons, and the dojo family just expanded. Not only did I still feel welcomed, it was almost a sense of appreciation that I felt from other students to have me there and learning, as well. I've never had much experience in martial arts, but I feel comfortable and confident at Budokan in such a way as I rarely do when putting myself out in other social situations.

I had trained in kung fu for 4 years in Brampton but had been away from martial arts for a number of years after I had moved. In my search to get back into martial arts I found that there were a lot of clubs more focused on the dollars one could make from teaching martial arts rather than concentrating on the quality of the training. Many teachers seemed to offer many various bits and pieces of different martial arts without focus on a specific martial art. Seemed to follow the old adage of 'jack of all trades but master of none.' This is NOT the case at Budokan Karate.
I found Budokan Karate and Sensei Ken through a friend that was training there. I had asked her for advice on a reputable club that had traditional training with great instructors. She highly recommended Budokan Karate. She was correct! As I lived in Delhi at that time it meant driving a distance but it proved to be worth the drive to get the type of training and teaching I had been looking for. That was in 2005 and I have been training here from that point on. I earned my black belt in 2009.
A Sensei and instructors that are a credit to the martial arts and it's roots. Focus is on traditional training while maintaining a fun but serious atmosphere. Highly trained instructors with true credentials. People that are always willing to share their knowledge to help you achieve your goals. It is a family feeling that you get when you train here. From a friendly call to see how you are doing if you missed a few classes to the always warm and genuine greeting from all when you arrive to class.
Tom Hubinger

Budokan karate great for the 40 + crowd too! Who knew?!
Over 40, out of shape female with low self esteem ... then, my friend talked me into trying a free class at Budokan karate. Now, 1 year later, several sizes smaller (still shrinking) and totally impressed with my earned fitness, strength, improved health and belt levels. Budokan instructors provide much needed encouragement while they challenge me physically and mentally to attain a higher level of conditioning and at the same time my skills are improving. We always have our Sensei in the class teaching as well as many qualified black belts. I really enjoy learning about my own capabilities through martial arts. I feel empowered, stronger, healthier and I’m having a blast doing it. I highly recommend Budokan for those wanting to improve their health and well being as well as learn about martial arts and have fun doing it.
What a gift that one free lesson turned out to be. Thanks to all my instructors and Sensei Ken.
Diane Bodine

When I first went to Sensei Ken's school I had no idea who he was or his style of teaching, only that it was the closest school to our house. I soon discovered that I had found a school that not only taught karate, but had also found a Sensei that gives of himself fully to the school and it's students. Sensei Ken and Sempai Dave lead by example and demonstrate, what I believe, to be the true spirit of the martial arts. They educate and demonstrate with both passion and compassion, teaching not only students, but also future teachers of the art. My grand children and I have been with Budokan Karate and Sensei Ken for about 2 years. Now the parents of the two boys have most recently joined as students themselves. The Budokan Karate School is more than just a school for us. It has become a community and an important part of our family life.
Ellen Thornton

I have been a member of the Budokan Brantford family since the mid 90’s. I exclusively attend the afternoon lunch time classes offered every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I don’t want to talk about Sensei Ken Trebilicock's credentials when in comes to his expertise in Traditional Okinawan Karate as they speak for them self. Sensei is a patient teacher and willing to accommodate all his students’ individual abilities. If you are looking to start Maritial Arts or want to train in another style I would highly recommend Budokan Karate and Sensei Ken would welcome you to his family. This is not a fly by night organization that you have to worry about it being in business a week or month later. His longevity speaks to his professionalism and commitment he has towards his students.
Rick Gava

My son was a member of another dojo in town prior to Budokan, while he was there I felt like just another number. The Sensei of the club was attentive when he was trying to get my son to join, but after a few months he couldn’t even remember his name. Literally—he wrote the kids names in markers on their gi’s so that the instructors could remember them. The level of training we receive now at Budokan is far superior to anything I experienced previously. Not only is it less expensive, but it’s clear that Sensei Ken cares about his students. He really makes them feel like they belong, they are more disciplined and the techniques are far more advanced. In addition, Sensei is the one who actually teaches the classes, in our last dojo the Sensei had young teenage students instructing while he would make appearances in the last five minutes. It’s a pleasure to see an instructor teaching because he loves the art. I have been so happy with Budokan that my husband and I joined as well and now we go as a family.
Penny-Ann Lupton

Deciding to try Karate about twenty three years ago was the easy part it was training consistently that was difficult! I tried a couple clubs in town one in which Ken Trebilcock was a senior who taught most of the classes. When Ken left training at this club I went with him as did several other seniors. Over the years of training together we all became friends and remain friends to this day. The training was difficult but we all worked hard and everybody was very positive and supportive. Eventually I received my black belt from Sensei Ken and continue on my training path. A couple years ago I was given the opportunity to assist in the children’s classes and have been contributing to my dojo in this way ever since.
Jeff Graham

Having just recently retired from my job, I was looking for something to do to keep me off the couch. By chance, I happened to meet Sensei Ken Trebilcock of Budokan Karate Dojo. I told him that I was thinking about doing Karate for a long time and he suggested that I come in for a free class. I was so impressed by the exercise possibilities, built into the Katas, that I realized I was hooked. I have found it to be the complete workout for me. In the past year my fitness level has improved so much that I am able to do things that I couldn't do for twenty years or more.
The atmosphere in the Dojo, while relaxed, is based on the hard work and constant improvement. Karate technique is always front and centre while one works hard to achieve any level one would like to achieve. Sensei Ken is a knowledgeable and experienced teacher, respected throughout the Karate community. There are also many higher level Black Belts, including Sempai Dave Chapman, who are always willing and eager to assist you when needed.
I attend 3-4 times a week and have achieved 6th Kyu, (second level green) I am now working toward my Blue belt. While Karate for me personally, is a great way to stay fit, I am also learning many self defence techniques that is part of traditional Karate. I am completely enjoying this experience, and I know that I will continue Karate for as long as I can.
Norm Marriott

Having moved to Brantford two years ago I was looking for an activity for my son who is very active. My son's school was complaining a lot about his behavior and he was being sent home every week. The school suggested testing and tutors but I did not agree although I must admit I was running out of options to help my son. A friend suggested I take him try karate at Budokan Karate. I did and I have been thrilled with the changes we have seen since we enrolled him at Budokan Karate almost two years ago. He looks forward to his classes and works hard toward his gradings (belt color changes). My son is now eight and since training at Budokan Karate he has learned to focus, follow rules, deal with changes, take responsibility for his actions, show respect, set goals, and he gets along with his peers at home, school, and the karate club. Since September 2010 I have not once had to pick him up from school for his behavior or anything else. His marks have changed fro C- to B+ and he has received two certificates from school under the believe program and a most improved student certificate. I also had my daughter do the self defense program and my son was helping his older sister do the moves. I would recommend parents who have an active child try karate at Budokan Karate and you will notice changes after a few weeks of classes.
Jackie N.